


Character Information

  • We will find out something "incredibly important" about Lily Potter
  • We will find out who R.A.B. is (第六部中遗留下来的最大悬念)
  • We will discover more about Dumbledore's past
  • We will discover where Snape's loyalties lie. (希望他是个好人,可是他为什么要杀死校长?)
  • Something will be revealed about Petunia Dursley, although it will not be that she is a Squib
  • Viktor Krum will return (World Book Day, 2004 interview)
  • We will see a reappearance of Dolores Umbridge - "It's too much fun to torture her not to have another little bit more before I finish." (MuggleNet/Leaky Interview) (I would like to see that, that old bitch!)
  • JKR has said, "There is a character who does manage, in desperate circumstances, to do magic quite late in life, but that is very rare..." (一点印象都没有了,之前有提到吗?)

Plot Information

  • Harry will face Voldemort for the final time(Definitely)
  • Harry will be attempting to find and destroy Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes(这就证明了Harry不是最后一个魂器)
  • Harry will return to the Dursleys' during the school vacation, but the magical protection Dumbledore arranged will expire on his 17th birthday when he comes of age
  • Harry will visit Godric's Hollow
  • There will be a reappearance of the two-way mirror
  • We will see the wedding of Fleur and Bill Weasley
  • The fact that Harry "has his mother's eyes" will prove to be an important plot point
  • At least one character will die (希望不是好人死了)


  • The last word is expected to be "scar," but may change
  • We will finally learn the full reason why some people become ghosts when they die and others don't
  • The final chapter, which has already been written, will detail what happens to the characters that survive
  • There will be no more Quidditch matches

Character Information

  • Dumbledore is really dead. He is not in hiding and is not coming back.
  • There will be no character named "Icicle," and JK said that she didn't recall saying there ever would be
  • Dumbledore is not Harry's relative
  • Harry is not related to Voldemort and he is not related to Salazar Slytherin
  • Lily Potter is not alive
  • Lily was not a Death Eater
  • Crookshanks is not an Animagus
  • Neville is not the son of Peter Pettigrew
  • Remus Lupin does not have a twin brother
  • Petunia is not a Squib
  • Dumbledore is not Harry/Ron from the future
  • Mrs Norris/Crookshanks will not be discovered as an Animagus

Plot Information

  • Harry will not become Minister for Magic
  • Peter Pettigrew’s silver hand will not kill Lupin
  • Lupin will not return as a DADA professor
  • The prophecy refers to Harry, and not in any way to Neville
  • The final part of the prophecy does not mean Harry has to kill Neville, or vice versa


  • The title of the book will not be "Harry Potter and the Pyramids of Furmat"
  • No prequel books are planned (no books before Harry's time at Hogwarts)
  • "Keeper of the Keys" has no secret meaning
  • The Sorting Hat is not a horcrux
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