
Things about Blog

  刚刚在英语学习上面看到一篇文章,叫《Dear Diary, I'm hooked on you》,作者是Ben Macintyre,是讲Blog的。Google了一下,原来是泰晤士报上面的文章。觉得里面有些话说的特别好,自己也写博有一段时间了,索性亦他亦我的说些感受吧。

  Most diaries spring from the desire to leave an account, however simple and humdrum. The diary-blog is a way of talking to the world, whether or not it is listening; a way of gossiping with oneself in the knowledge or hope that one day someone may eavesdrop or join in.

  其实自己最开始写博客就是图自己好玩,自己在高中的时候又是个文学小青年,所以保留下来了写文字的习惯。可是无奈,周围的人写博的不多,自己最开始是在微软的Space上面鼓捣的,心想加个计数器吧,看看都有多少人来我的这个小地方看过,眼看着别人的Space都四位数了,我的才刚刚过百,很是郁闷啊,所以被迫的就转变了心态,包括现在,blogger时常被封,自己一点也不苦恼了,因为想看的人自然会找到方法来看。而对于自己blog的内容,我承认,都是自己在网上瞎逛的时候,看到的令我amazing的东西,多数是转帖,然后就是我的胡言乱语了,当然,不管怎么说,还是希望有人看到的,也就是hope that one day someone may eavesdrop 。之前一个月吧,有一个人上了我的blog,是通过豆瓣小组找到的,然后留了一句言,当时还是稍微比较非常兴奋的。
Partly because life appears to me such a curious and wonderful thing that it almost seems a pity that even such a humble and uneventful life as mine should pass altogether away without some such record as this." The diary-blog is both therapy and exhibitionism, a balm for loneliness, a privately written public statement, a way to hold on to life and to hold back death.

  也许这个是大多数人写blog的那股原始冲动,虽然大部分原因自己并不知道,但是的确如此,make a record,尽管我们平常人的生活如此的humble和mundane,但是仍旧是值得记录的,也许某些对于其他人不值一提的小事的的确确对自己有着非凡的意义。
The blog is the most apt literary form for our lonely, turbulent times: neurotic, self-absorbed, confessional, but also inquisitive, purging and affirming, profound and mundane. The blog can be both opiate and stimulant, but also a placebo.

  This week's mass blog revealed that most of us still measure out the world in cups of tea and telly programmes, but it also proved that, by writing down our experiences, we grow closer to ourselves and leave a testament for posterity.

  说到底,blog就是一个自己对自己说话的地方,最后以Virginia Woolf的名言结束此篇文章(鞠躬致谢!)
   "With some pleasure I find that it's seven; and must cook dinner. Haddock and sausage meat. I think it is true that one gains a certain hold on haddock and sausage by writing them down."

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